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6 Sexy Web Design Agency Websites

1024 947 New York Website Designer

Highlights from the article: Web designers are only given one chance to make a good first impression and often that first impression is made on their website. From which Web design trends to implement to which projects to show off, designers and the agencies that employ them have difficult choices to make about how they will present themselves to potential clients. To guide Website Magazine readers to their perfect Web design website, we’re spotlighting six Web design and development companies that have websites worth emulating.

The New York Website Designer
The New York Times, USA Today and CNN…this website design team must be legit. The New York Website Designer immediately provides trust indicators, including content that shows its clients are frequently featured in major publications and awesome Yelp reviews. What’s more, its use of design-related images immediately tells potential clients (without using copy it doesn’t need) that it’s passionate about Web design. Finally, its choice of website copy gets straight to the point – who they are, who they’ve worked with and how much they’ll cost you (get a quote). This website is direct, easy on the eyes and directs users to take action.